Этика? Нет, не слышал.
"• Beware of the babushkas (old women). They are active, pushy and very proud of themselves, so if you do something not the way they think you should’ve done, better disappear.

• Yes, we love vodka, but we're not alcoholics. Despite what some people think, Russians are not drunkards, they just have a special resistance to alchohol, that's why they can drink so much. And we actually get our strength from it and it warms us during the cold winters. By the way, if you drink with us, you'll have to drink as much as we do, or we will be offended."

@темы: Учебное

01.12.2009 в 19:59

stone femme
Yeah, these quotations are written by Katze, who can keep the bottle of beautiful champagne in his fridge untouched for monthes. You are not russian, darling.
01.12.2009 в 20:13

Этика? Нет, не слышал.
But it is yours bottle!
01.12.2009 в 20:58

stone femme
And what? Do you think I do not want you to help me with it?
By the way, the fact that this bottle is mine proves that I am Russian. I at least have some alcohol...

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